Tuesday, August 8, 2024

The Claras Backstory

Stuart Riddle

From Perth Innovation to Industry Game-Changer

In the heart of Perth's startup scene, a small team with big ears and even bigger ambitions set out on a journey to give financial advisers light at the end of the tunnel. This is the story of Claras.ai - born from a commitment to listening to customers, a mindset hellbent on solving real problems, and the joy of connecting with great people along the way.

The Spark of an Idea

At Knkt Digital, we've always been driven by a simple yet powerful philosophy: build simple but powerful products that people love using. Our journey from a software development company to a product studio focused on solving real-world problems led us to an unexpected opportunity in the financial services sector.

It all started with a client project. We were developing a workflow and approval solution to connect advisers with licensees and paraplanners. During this process, we kept hearing a recurring theme: advisors were consistently struggling with the challenge of creating and managing file notes.

At first, we were hesitant. File notes seemed like such a mundane problem. But as the complaints continued to pour in from various advisers, we realised this wasn't just a minor inconvenience – it was a significant pain point that was affecting the entire industry.

The Collision of Skills and Passion

Our small but potent team is a melting pot of skills – AI specialists, software developers, and client service experts. We realised that this diverse skill set put us in a unique position to tackle the file notes challenge head-on.

We weren't just building another tech product; we were on a mission to make a tangible difference in the lives of financial advisers. This wasn't about sales or numbers; it was about impact. We wanted to free advisors from the administrative burden that was holding them back from what they do best – helping their clients.

The Birth of Claras.ai

Driven by our commitment to simplicity and focus, we set out to develop Claras.ai. Our goal was ambitious yet clear: create a streamlined tool that would integrate seamlessly into advisors' existing processes while significantly improving their efficiency and the quality of their client interactions.

Unexpected Ripples of Change

As Claras.ai began to gain traction, we started hearing stories that went far beyond our initial expectations. Greg W, a financial adviser using the platform, shared:

"Finally, there's some light at the end of the tunnel. What you enable is not just greater efficiency for advisers, but it frees up our mental space, improves our mental health, and enables us to better service our clients."

These words hit home. We had set out to solve a specific problem – the time-consuming task of creating detailed, comprehensive file notes. But in doing so, we had inadvertently addressed a much larger issue. We were helping to improve the mental wellbeing of advisors and, by extension, enhancing the quality of service they could provide to their clients.

A Small but Mighty Force

Today, Claras.ai is making waves across Australia. We've grown from a local Perth startup to a nationally recognised solution in the financial advice sector. But we haven't forgotten our roots or our mission.

We remain a small, agile team driven by a passion for innovation and a deep care for the impact we can have on advisers. We're not just another tech company; we're a force to be reckoned with, proving that focused problem-solving and a genuine commitment to user needs can lead to rapid adoption and meaningful change in established industries.

Looking to the Future

As we continue to grow and evolve, our focus remains steadfast on the advisors we serve. We're constantly listening, learning, and iterating to ensure that Claras continues to meet the changing needs of the industry.

The journey of Claras is more than just a success story of a Perth startup. It's a testament to the power of understanding industry pain points, leveraging diverse skills, and staying true to a mission of making a positive impact.

We may be small, but we're mighty. And we're just getting started.